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Fun Fact Wee Peter

How do you talk about a fun fact about Wee Peter. Because many visitors have heard  that a boy drowned but that is not the true story. The fun fact about “Wee Peter” was that it was fictitious name for a little boy. Years later, the true story was told by young boy that lived in the hamlet.

Argyll Walks

In the first place,there is a statue of a wee boy, in a hamlet called Aldochlay, just 2 miles south of Luss. Not only, does ArgyllWalks  have fun fact,but also, the statue had been called “Wee Peter” by the locals. Nevertheless, a myth started, that it was a memorial to a young boy that drowned in the loch, but in fact it was erected in 1890 by a local stonemason called William Kerr.

How to find the statue

The statue sits in the water on the left hand side of road, two miles from the village of Luss. You will have to walk to the water’s edge to get close it to take a picture. There is no plaque for visitors to see. Because it was in the 1890, maybe the story was lost and now visitors will keep the memory alive.

Happy childhood

Additionally,William was raised in Luss area. Despite, a happy childhood, he left for London to become a stonemason.  However, the statue known as “Wee Peter” was designed for a new house but the client did not care for it. That is to say,the statue was abandoned in a yard for many years.

Thus,William decided to return to Aldochlay, to relive his childhood memories, bringing the statue with him. For this reason, he erected the statue on the loch to remind him of his happy childhood. As a result, the statue sits in Aldochlay on the lochside opposite the island of Inchtavannoch (Monk’s island). Aldochlay is part of Argyll and Bute. ArgyllWalks fun fact about “Wee Peter” keeps these myth alive for the next generation.


Aldochlay is a small hamlet where there is a small sailing club. There are estate cottages with beautiful gardens, in full bloom during the summer months. Significantly, it is also part of the Loch Lomond cycle path which runs from Balloch to Tarbet for 18 miles one way. Specifically, it is also a good place to see dry-stone wall restoration outside Camstradden House. This is the home of Sir Malcolm Colquhoun, 9th Baronet of Luss and his wife Lady Katherine.

For more information about the village of Luss see ArgyllWalks/news